Bridging the Gap
When you've Changed, but your world hasn't
coming sEPT 2022

Think back to a transformative time in your life when you stepped into a new version of yourself. Did everything from your old life fit with your new identity? Probably not. While you were changing, your relationship dynamics were too.
This book expands the conversation about the second leg of every growth journey. I want to normalize these common growing pains, help you organize your life, and minimize energy drains. My goal is for more people to step into their full potential, without needing to shrink themselves.
You have an energetic environment comprised of your relationships with the people closest to you, your work, your home, and yourself. Interactions in these areas create energy exchanges, either increasing or depleting your supply. After reading this book, you’ll gain knowledge around:
Noticing shifts within your energetic environment
Recognizing your stress signals and ways to lower it
Making adjustments to important relationships
Gracefully moving on from those that no longer serve this season of your life